Case Studies

Commercial Customer Demand Flexibility Program 

March 07, 2025

Program Overview

Connecticut’s Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA)’s Innovative Energy Solutions (IES) Program has launched an initiative—the Edo Building Optimization Pilot—in collaboration with Eversource. This pilot demonstrates automated demand flexibility strategies, data-driven insights, and deep energy efficiency improvements for commercial customers. It places special emphasis on recruiting participants from state-designated disadvantaged municipalities. The goal of the pilot is to optimize buildings for energy efficiency, carbon emissions reduction, and cost savings for both customers and the grid over an 18-month period. 

The Challenge

Traditional demand side response energy programs lack the precision and coordination needed to provide relief in grid-constrained areas. These programs often operate in isolation from energy efficiency initiatives. This leaves a gap in service and typically excludes hard-to-reach customers, including schools, municipalities, and community centers. Even when these customers receive incentives for upgrades like lighting and HVAC systems, untapped potential remains for further savings, enhanced operations, improved comfort, and reduced peak demand. A holistic strategy is clearly needed. Such an approach should integrate energy efficiency and demand energy response, target underserved customers, and deliver financial savings. 

Edo proposed an 18-month project that demonstrates how commercial buildings can provide both temporary, flexible demand management and longer-term, geographically specific load reduction. … The project offers energy and non-energy benefits, including energy savings, load shifting, improved health, job creation, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.”

– Connecticut PURA, 2023 Annual Report

The Solution

The Edo Building Optimization Pilot introduces a novel model for enabling demand flexibility in commercial buildings. For this pilot, we collaborated with the utility’s account executives to identify ideal participants. We focused on customers who could benefit most from demand flexibility strategies. Edo’s solution enables precise, data-driven targeting of grid needs, supporting future non-wires alternatives and enhancing demand flexibility strategies. 

To enable automated demand side response energy participation, the Edo Gateway was installed. This allowed seamless integration with the buildings’ existing Building Automation Systems (BAS). Edo’s engineers quickly classified relevant BAS control points using a machine-learning-driven mapping tool, enabling rapid onboarding and precise control. 


  • Energy efficiency improvements
  • Load shifting and shedding
  • Carbon emissions reductions
  • Operational enhancements

Edo’s solution turns buildings into active participants in load management. When the utility signals a demand response event, Edo notifies customers via text or email through the Edo platform. This allows them to opt out if needed. Edo then optimizes building performance by pre-cooling or pre-heating spaces and managing batteries or EV chargers—where available. These strategies help buildings sustain grid events, whether caused by peak demand or economic conditions, while customers earn demand response incentives. 

Expected Results

• 10-30% peak demand shifted

• 10-15% savings from data-driven energy conservation measures

Edo Provides Virtual Power Plant solutions.