Virtual Power Plant Solutions for Utilities

Utilities look to Edo to transform buildings into flexible assets and aggregate them to serve as Virtual Power Plants.

What We Do

Edo partners with utilities on their energy transition, setting up demand flexibility programs and virtual power plants tailored to grid needs. Demand flexibility addresses emerging utility priorities, from planning for electrification to meeting carbon-free supply commitments. We have worked with utilities on their first-to-market demand flexibility pilot and utilities running Demand Response (DR) programs for years and want to take the next step.

Customer Targeting and Engagement

Recognizing the cost savings in targeted recruitment, and the importance of personalized customer engagement, we utilize automated meter information (AMI) data and building archetype analysis to inform our program strategies before entering the market. After understanding what drives congestion where, we work with our utility partners to design solution packages that maximize their targets for electrification, efficiency, equity, and demand flexibility. We partner with community-based organizations and deploy customer survey efforts where needed to further inform program design.

Real Time Data Integration

Edo’s technology seamlessly integrates with customers’ existing building management systems, eliminating the need for replacements. Our platform connects to all onsite Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) and supports the integration of in-front-of-the-meter assets.

The Value Stack

Our solution offers a layered approach to targeted energy management. At the building level, we provide energy conservation and operational improvement insights by analyzing real-time data, providing prioritized energy conservation measures (ECMs) to clients, and even making energy savings adjustments remotely. We integrate with a utility’s Automated Distribution Management System (ADMS), Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS), or in some cases set up a custom integration for utilities earlier on in their demand flexibility journey. This allows us to receive capacity requests and dispatch assets in an optimized manner based on forecasted availability and utility needs. Our Demand Flexibility (DF) program delivers combined benefits of energy efficiency (EE) and automated demand response (ADR), all without any noticeable impact on building occupants.

Demand Flexibility

Edo can adapt buildings and distributed energy resources (DER) load to changing grid conditions, customer preferences, and program objectives. We utilize advanced optimization algorithms and machine learning techniques to continuously improve load forecasting and management strategies. This allows us to provide our utility partners location-specific visibility and predictability from our enrolled flexibility assets.

News + Insights

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